Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year, New Broom, Same Old Technology Issues (Ian launches a new podcast)

I've used the new year to do some tidying up of various blogs and Twitter accounts. is gone, and its associated Twitter account renamed to UKBluRayReview.

I also used the New Year break to finally get a long-planned weekly audio podcast launched, mainly because of my old boss John Mitchell who's recently discovered podcasts and loves them, but like me has struggled to find good film review or shiny disc review podcasts. You know there's something wrong when podcasts are 90 minutes in length and that's just for one film. Downloading them invariably reveals that the so-called film review podcast is actually two flat mates arguing for most of the podcast about what they just had for dinner, or who messed up at the last social event they attended!

As with my ill-fated video podcast experiments, struggling with the technology has been a nightmare. I won't bore you with the details of how difficult it is to get sound clips extracted from Blu-Rays to help illustrate reviews, when each Blu-Ray seems to have developed a different method for hiding away the audio you need to grab and convert to a podcast friendly MP3 format.

But that was as nothing compared to the frustration in spending a couple of days rushing to get the first podcast ready in a timely fashion only to find that your chosen podcast hosting company are absolute crap.

You can find out more about the specifics if you click on the image above advertising the new podcast. I'm hoping to have a proper podcasting provision service working by the time the next podcast is ready (next Sunday) but in the meantime if you're patient and don't mind a slow download you can click the image above and then click on the Temporary download link on the podcast home page to get hold of my first attempt at podcasting.

There are problems with this first episode. The review of Scott Pilgrim vs The World is too long, the volume level for my intro is a bit too low, and the Top 10 sales countdown could do with being a bit shorter. But those are things that will be easy to fix with time as I get more experience. If you download the podcast and give it a listen let me know what you think. What don't you like? What DO you like? And what suggestions have you got for improving the podcast (apart from finding somebody with a more podcast-friendly voice?!)

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